Omaha Teen Council

Omaha Teen Council

Who We Are

The Omaha Teen Council was founded in 2015 and has provided inclusive, teen-centered sex education to the Omaha community since. The Omaha Teen Council was founded because there was a lack of medically-accurate, inclusive sex education in the area, and experts have proven that peer-to-peer education is the most effective way to provide sex ed to young people. Our members have come from almost every high school in the area, including students from Omaha Public Schools, Millard Public Schools, Papillion La Vista Public Schools, and numerous private schools. We produce a sex ed Zine every year and participate in the Omaha ZineFest, and many other events throughout the city.

Omaha Teen Council
We want to educate and empower local high school students by teaching them sexual and reproductive health topics. Teen Council members work to educate their community about these topics and create a sexually healthy and informed community.